24.9 C
miércoles, mayo 1, 2024

For Ever venció a Independiente Rivadavia

Chaco For Ever se repuso de la derrota de la semana pasada por 2 a 0 ante Maipú como visitante, y este domingo venció 2 a 1 a Independiente Rivadavia en su...

Boxeador chaqueño lleva una semana en coma tras una pelea en Santa Fe

El boxeador chaqueño Pablo David Puebla, de 33 años, oriundo de Concepción del Bermejo, perdió por puntos en fallo unánime una pelea a 6 rounds contra el rosarino Blas Caro, en la...

El Chelsea pagará 121 millones de euros por Enzo Fernández

El Benfica confirmó la venta de Enzo Fernández, el argentino de 22 años, al Chelsea en 121 millones de euros, lo hizo a través de un comunicado. “Benfica informa...

Argentina eliminada del Sudamericano Sub 20: sin Mundial y sin Panamericanos

La Selección Argentina Sub 20 estrenó en el Sudamericano de Colombia la camiseta con la tercera estrella obtenida por la Selección mayor en el Mundial de Qatar. Pero el...

Margaret Cho Designs Solitaire Jumpsuit For Betabrand

You're probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You're saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith. Just...

Village Roadshow Entertainment Secures $480 Million

You're probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You're saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith. Just...

The best gadgets from IFA 2016

You're probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You're saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith. Just...

Minions is now the second biggest animated movie ever

You're probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You're saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith. Just...